Poetical Quill Souls

Poetical Quill Souls

This blog contains a collection of renowned and young authors from around the world poems in the languages in which they were originally written. Each file includes author’s photo or portrait and brief biography. We offer news and announcements of interest to professional and amateur writers (writing competitions, poetry press, etc) too.

Este blog recoge una selección de poemas de reputados autores y jóvenes promesas de todo el mundo en las lenguas en las que fueron escritos originalmente. Se incluye en cada ficha una breve reseña biográfica del autor y fotos o cuadros de éste. Se complementa el grueso del material con datos de interés para escritores profesionales o aficionados a la literatura (como información sobre certámenes literarios, editoriales dedicadas a la poesía, etc).

Walt Disney

Walt Disney
A magic kingdom

I don't know if you'll believe
I met a Princess today
And was greeted in her castle
In a most royal way

Yes I met a real Princess
Who stooped to welcome me
And inside her royal castle
I met another three

There were towers that had banners
Stained glass windows in the wall
And the sparkling lights of magic
In the royal banquet hall

A fairy flew from somewhere
And she waved her magic wand
Then she blessed me with a smile
That became our special bond

My greatest wish was granted
And a star thats only mine
In that land of deep enchantment
Where the brightest wonders shine

I became a royal princess
At that magic coronation
And was gifted with enchantment
In a regal celebration

For a princess is a princess
When she is one in her heart
When becoming a true princess
Inner beauty's where you start

I can take you to my castle
In a land of mystery
If you have the childlike virtue
Of believing what you see

If you know that there is wonder
And perceive the majesty
Of a child's imagination
It will set your spirit free

Whisk away then to that place
Where, as a child, I flew
There all your dreams are living
And wishes all come true

Walter Elias Disney, conocido como Walt Disney (Chicago, Illinois, EE UU, 1901 - Burbank, California, 1966). Productor, director, guionista y animador.

Alfredo Giuliani

Alfredo Giuliani Grige radure s'accendono

Una banda di ragazzi. preda le cavallette
nei terreni da vendere e pianta fazzoletti
in cima a pertiche, tra i cardi.
Il lavoro è già dietro lo steccato, avanza
col tonfo delle betoniere, cola con gli asfalti,
spela il cielo con la sega elettrica;
al suolo è rasa la muta torre.

Dal mio guscio di rovine saltano note di colomba.

Lascia un sentore felice la banda in fuga.
Laggiù sulle ville tramonta e grigie radure
s'accendono, il fiume rabbuia, soffia
un vento che non devasta né punge.
I lumi rossi vegliano ai cantoni del castello.

Alfredo Giuliani (Mombaroccio, Italia, 1924 – Roma, 2007). Licenciado en Filosofía, Docente de Literatura Italiana en la Università di Chieti. Poeta, dramaturgo, novelista y crítico.

Peter Gizzi

Chateau If

         If love if then if now if the flowers of if the conditional
if of arrows the condition of if
         if to say light to inhabit light if to speak if to live, so
         if to say it is you if love is if your form is if your waist that
pictures the fluted stem if lavender
         if in this field
         if I were to say hummingbird it might behave as an
adjective here
         if not if the heart’s a flutter if nerves map a city if a city
on fire
         if I say myself am I saying myself (if in this instant) as if
the object of your gaze if in a sentence about love you might
write if one day if you would, so
         if to say myself if in this instance if to speak as
         if only to render if in time and accept if to live now as if
disembodied from the actual handwritten letters m-y-s-e-l-f
         if a creature if what you say if only to embroider—a
city that overtakes the city I write.

Peter Gizzi (Pittsfield, Massachusetts, EE UU, 1959). Poeta y editor.

Ana Pérez Cañamares

Ana Pérez Cañamares
En esta ciudad de líneas rotas

En esta ciudad de líneas rotas
de casas ocupadas por el polvo
de caretas de asesinos
de ilustres ladrones
no sé qué hacer con el tiempo
que se vuelve cáscara
que se vuelve contenedor de papeles reciclados

el mundo me da miedo
y a veces no distingo amigos de enemigos
y me encierro en mi casa
levanto un muro de libros y cuerpos
de incienso y lejías
miro la calle y me amenazan las sirenas
aunque sé que solo soy culpable
de pensamiento y palabra

Ana Pérez Cañamares (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España, 1968). Licenciada en Filología. Poeta y autora de relatos.

Sainkho Namtchyla ( Саин-Хоо Намчылак )

Sainkho Namtchyla ( Саин-Хоо Намчылак )
 Ты есмь

На солёных ладонях боль от мозолей,
прошедшие годы– капли пота на лбу.
Трудно поверить, что всё позади,
что в глубь веков уходят памятью годы,
сложивши жизнь со сроком в век.
Столетие дано, чтоб понять,
что с жизнью дух не завершается.
Ты естмь– сознанием верить
и не зря рождён быть Человеком.
Пройти искушения и не оглянуться,
но вспомнить на миг- Ты Чело– Век,
а значит однажды уйдёшь,
чтоб проверить тоннели сознания,
глубину мирозданий светом озарив.

Sainkho Namtchyla ( Саин-Хоо Намчылак ), nacida Lyudmila Okan-oolovna Namtchylak (Pestunovka, actual Beldir-Kezhii, distrito Ulug-Khem, Tuva, Federación Rusa, 1957). Poeta y cantante.

Jussara Salazar


a boca escancarada da noite
os urros do silêncio
as teclas mudas

não tilintam os cristais
não estilhaçam a vidraça
amantes não sussurram
não há sinos de igreja
o mundo acabou
o relógio dorme
o tempo não passa

onde estão os latidos
os galos os gritos
os olhos do sol?

na cama imensa
o corpo exausto
o vazio da tua ausência
e os mil anos desta noite
que nos engole
que nos vomita

Jussara Salazar (Pernambuco, Brasil, 1959). Poeta y artista gráfica.

Matthew Rohrer

Greater forces

I have come
to your city
to lie in the grass
and watch the clouds
bounce uselessly off
the snow covered mountains.
Your city softly beneath
cherry blossoms.
Homeless punks along
the avenue who never
cease. They are deported
from Canada. Their faces
move between the tourists
set hard and falling-in
looking for the other world.
I fall asleep until
the shadows tuck themselves
around me. I must to certain
greater forces present myself
at the end of the day.

Matthew Rohrer (Ann Arbor, Michigan, EE UU, 1970). Poeta.

Federico Gallego Ripoll

Federico Gallego Ripoll
Son los pájaros quienes alzan...

Son los pájaros quienes alzan el día para el ciego.
Se oye la luz colgada de los árboles
y un trasiego de sangre acelerada que acumula en los tímpanos
los latidos hurtados a la noche.


Tibias gotas de azul salpican de mañana
el parabrisas de los coches.
Alguien, equivocado,
ha abierto su paraguas creyéndose que llueve.

Federico Gallego Ripoll (Manzanares, Ciudad Real, España, 1953). Poeta y dibujante.

Aonghas MacNeacail

A chraobh

eadar nan craobh
chithear a’ chraobh
a thagh grian fhann
mar lòchran

eadar dubhar caol àrd
agus dubhar caol àrd
’n a sònrachd fhéin
a’ deàrrsadh

a guirme geal
a togail brìgh
na gréine mar
gur sgàthan i

Aonghas MacNeacail (Skye, Reino Unido, 1942). Poeta y periodista.

Ike Mboneni Muila

Ike Mboneni Muila
Inside of me

inside of me joe
the language stream
all assorted jolly eat and be merry
moonlight stars milkshake
bazabaza witness above
inside of me
there is no room for cappucino
home made brew and beers collide
causing me to vomit
inside of me joe
baekesa malana le mohodo
madomholo le magwinya
oesophagus colour bar print slow down jalos langs aan
inside of me joe
sponylungs chicken bean bones
flat tubes archer ginger cake spinza oven grey
time tick tock ticks drum turn
fantastic ornage heart beat yo yo flex
inside of me
some one is knocking passionately
to no avail
sour kidney structure four five draw
six nine appeal get mchovana
rovers ref hum eh…
huks vrystaat

Ike Mboneni Muila (Soweto, Sudáfrica, 1957). Poeta y traductor.