Blessed are those who have trouble sleeping
For they will know the secrets of the dark
Blessed are those who have accidentally betrayed the trust of a friend

Blessed are those whose memory is not what it used to be
For they will not hold a grudge
Blessed are the feeders of domesticated animals
For they will always be missed
Blessed are those who stand on the subway
For they shall master inertia
Blessed are those who cannot read a map
For they will never know if they are lost
Blessed are the unappreciated
For they shall populate the earth
Blessed are the belligerently ignorant
For they shall control all media
Blessed are those with spare change
For they shall keep the mimes fed
Blessed are the jumpers to conclusions
For they shall set policy
Blessed are those who cannot add numbers in their head
For they will forever over tip
Jerome David Salinger (Nueva York, 1919 – Cornish, Nuevo Hampshire, 2010). Novelista y autor de relatos.