Poetical Quill Souls

Poetical Quill Souls

This blog contains a collection of renowned and young authors from around the world poems in the languages in which they were originally written. Each file includes author’s photo or portrait and brief biography. We offer news and announcements of interest to professional and amateur writers (writing competitions, poetry press, etc) too.

Este blog recoge una selección de poemas de reputados autores y jóvenes promesas de todo el mundo en las lenguas en las que fueron escritos originalmente. Se incluye en cada ficha una breve reseña biográfica del autor y fotos o cuadros de éste. Se complementa el grueso del material con datos de interés para escritores profesionales o aficionados a la literatura (como información sobre certámenes literarios, editoriales dedicadas a la poesía, etc).

Zhai Yongming ( 翟永明 )













 Zhai Yongming ( 翟永明 ) (Chengdu, China, 1955). Poeta.

Élise Turcotte

Le temps est nuits

Le temps est nuits
Nuits comptées, avalées par
l'herbe rouge, les rideaux,
les rêves sauvages
de personnages troublés.
Il n'y a pas de légion.
Je vois une cabane
au milieu du bois
et mon être séparé du miroir.
Tu parles lentement.
Je touche à tout.
Tu meurs avec ton oeil qui jouit.

Élise Turcotte (Sorel, Quebec, Canadá, 1957). Doctorada en Escritura Creativa por la Universidad de Quebec en Montreal. Profesora de Literatura. Poeta, autora de relatos, novelista y escritora para la infancia.

Louise Bogan


I had come to the house, in a cave of trees,
Facing a sheer sky.
Everything moved, -- a bell hung ready to strike,
Sun and reflection wheeled by.

When the bare eyes were before me
And the hissing hair,
Held up at a window, seen through a door.
The stiff bald eyes, the serpents on the forehead
Formed in the air.

This is a dead scene forever now.
Nothing will ever stir.
The end will never brighten it more than this,
Nor the rain blur.

The water will always fall, and will not fall,
And the tipped bell make no sound.
The grass will always be growing for hay
Deep on the ground.

And I shall stand here like a shadow
Under the great balanced day,
My eyes on the yellow dust, that was lifting in the wind,
And does not drift away.

Louise Bogan (Livermore Falls, Maine, EE UU, 1897 – 1970). Poeta y crítica literaria.  Cuarto "Poet Laureate" por la Biblioteca del Congreso en 1945. Editora de poesía para el The New Yorker magazine durante cuarenta años.

María Fernanda Iwasaki

Yo en sus poemas

Soy todo lo que queda de ti,
si estas páginas supiesen hacerme
el amor dejaría
de extrañarte. Escarbo siempre
más lejos, desentierro tus órganos
de papel, te descubro a trozos, entre
puntos y semillas. He saboreado
tantas noches tu tinta. Fui
pájaro y pluma, libre
entre tus manos. Quisiera
plegar la cama, prensar mi cuerpo
entre sus sábanas, hacerme
dibujo, ilustrar tu nido.

María Fernanda Iwasaki (Lima, Perú, 1989). Licenciada en Interpretación Textual por la Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Madrid. Poeta y actriz. Premio de Poesía Antonio Machado.

Arseny Rovinski (Арсений Валентинович Ровинский)

потому что ты любишь жить как на складе

потому что ты любишь жить как на складе
среди всех этих штук твоих вечно везде разбросанных
ни заснуть ни проснуться

прощай Алёша
мобильные карты Москвы это как с гор вода
или как если смотришь вниз на запад или восток и со всех сторон зелёный-зелёный
а дальше устойчивый тёмно-синий

Arseny Rovinski (Арсений Валентинович Ровинский) (Járkov, Ucrania, 1968). Poeta.

Shanta Shelke ( शांता शेळके )

शेवटची ओळ लिहीली
आणि तो दूर झाला
आपल्या कवितेपासून
बराचसा थकलेला
पण सुटकेचे समाधानही अनुभवणारा
प्रसूतीनंतरच्या ओल्या बाळंतीणीसारखा
जरा प्रसन्न, जरा शांत
नाही खंत, नाही भ्रांत....

आणि ती कविता नवजात
एकाकी, असहाय, पोरकी
आधाराचे बोट सुटलेल्या
अजाण पोरासारखी
भांबावलेली, भयभीत,
अनुभवणारी एका उत्कट नात्याची
परिणती विपरीत

ती आहे आता पडलेली
कागदाच्या उजाड माळावर
आपल्या अस्तिवाचा अर्थ शोधत
तो मैलोगणती दूर, वेगळ्या विश्वात
संपूर्ण, संतुष्ट, आत्मरत!

Shanta Janardan Shelke ( शांता शेळके ) (Indapur, Pune, India, 1922- 2002). Periodista, profesora, traductora, compositora y escritora.

Hsia Yü / Xia Yü ( 夏宇 )


我閉上眼睛開始想你們      手伸進
溫熱的沙裏     是時候了

Hsia Yü / Xia Yü ( 夏宇 ) (Taipei, Taiwan, 1956). Poeta, guionista y ensayista.

Marge Piercy

Barbie Doll

This girlchild was born as usual
and presented dolls that did pee-pee
and miniature GE stoves and irons
and wee lipsticks the color of cherry candy.
Then in the magic of puberty, a classmate said:
You have a great big nose and fat legs.

She was healthy, tested intelligent,
possessed strong arms and back,
abundant sexual drive and manual dexterity.
She went to and fro apologizing.
Everyone saw a fat nose on thick legs.

She was advised to play coy,
exhorted to come on hearty,
exercise, diet, smile and wheedle.
Her good nature wore out
like a fan belt.
So she cut off her nose and her legs
and offered them up.

In the casket displayed on satin she lay
with the undertaker's cosmetics painted on,
a turned-up putty nose,
dressed in a pink and white nightie.
Doesn't she look pretty? everyone said.
Consummation at last.
To every woman a happy ending.

Marge Piercy (Detroit, Michigan, EE UU, 1936). Poeta, novelista y activista social.

Irene Sánchez Carrón


Mientras duermes te miro.

Me recuerdas
el frío de las fuentes en los labios,
el prado debajo de la espalda,
la indescifrable danza de las nubes,
el dulce sabor de diminutos dedos en la masa,
la tierra en las uñas,
los pies mojados en los charcos,
los bolsillos repletos.

Contigo junto a mí
los días recobran la suave textura de la cera
y repiten mil veces el amanecer.

Contigo junto a mí
veo pasar de largo la tristeza.

Irene Sánchez Carrón (Navaconcejo, Cáceres, Extremadura, 1967). Licenciada en Filología Inglesa por la Universidad de Extremadura y en Filología Hispánica por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Profesora de Lengua Inglesa. Poeta. Premio Adonais 1999.

Manuel José Othón

Una estepa del Nazas

¡Ni un verdecido alcor, ni una pradera!
Tan sólo miro, de mi vista enfrente,
la llanura sin fin, seca y ardiente
donde jamás reinó la primavera.

Rueda el río monótono en la austera
cuenca, sin un cantil ni una rompiente
y, al ras del horizonte, el sol poniente,
cual la boca de un horno, reverbera.

Y en esta gama gris que no abrillanta
ningún color; aqui, do el aire azota
con ígneo soplo la reseca planta,

sólo, al romper su cárcel, la bellota
en el pajizo algodonal levanta
de su cándido airón la blanca nota.

Manuel José Othón
(San Luis Potosí, México, 1858 – 1906). Político, poeta y dramaturgo.

Joseph Merrick

‘Tis true, my form is some­thing odd

‘Tis true, my form is some­thing odd
but blam­ing me, is blam­ing God,
Could I cre­ate myself anew
I would not fail in pleas­ing you.

If I could reach from pole to pole
or grasp the ocean with a span,
I would be mea­sured by the soul
The mind’s the stan­dard of the Man.

Joseph Carey Merrick (Leicester, Inglaterra, 5 de agosto de 1862 - Londres, 11 de abril de 1890), Joseph Merrick,  también conocido como "El Hombre Elefante". Atracción de feria.

Isaac Watts

False Great­ness

Mylo, for­bear to call him blest
That only boasts a large estate,
Should all the trea­sures of the west
Meet, and con­spire to make him great
I know thy bet­ter thoughts, I know
Thy rea­son can’t descend so low.
Let a broad stream, with golden sands,
Through all his mead­ows roll,
He’s but a wretch, with all his lands,
That wears a nar­row soul.

He swells amidst his wealthy store,
And proudly poiz­ing what he weighs,
In his own scale he fondly lays
Huge heaps of shin­ing ore.

He spreads the bal­ance wide to hold
His manors and his farms,
And cheat the beams with loads of gold
He hugs between his arms.
So might the pough-boy climb a tree,

When Croe­sus mounts his throne,
And both stand up, and smile to see
How long their shadow’s grown.
Alas! how vain their fan­cies be
To think that shape their own!

Thus min­gled still with wealth and state,
Croe­sus him­self can never know;
His true dimen­sions and his weight
Are far infe­rior to their show.
Were I so tall to reach the pole,
Or grasp the ocean with my span,
I must be measur’d by my soul:
The mind’s the stan­dard of the man.

False Great­ness, by Isaac Watts

Mylo, for­bear to call him blest
That only boasts a large estate,
Should all the trea­sures of the west
Meet, and con­spire to make him great
I know thy bet­ter thoughts, I know

Thy rea­son can’t descend so low.
Let a broad stream, with golden sands,
Through all his mead­ows roll,
He’s but a wretch, with all his lands,
That wears a nar­row soul.

He swells amidst his wealthy store,
And proudly poiz­ing what he weighs,
In his own scale he fondly lays
Huge heaps of shin­ing ore.
He spreads the bal­ance wide to hold
His manors and his farms,
And cheat the beams with loads of gold
He hugs between his arms.
So might the pough-boy climb a tree,
When Croe­sus mounts his throne,
And both stand up, and smile to see
How long their shadow’s grown.
Alas! how vain their fan­cies be
To think that shape their own!

Thus min­gled still with wealth and state,
Croe­sus him­self can never know;
His true dimen­sions and his weight
Are far infe­rior to their show.
Were I so tall to reach the pole,
Or grasp the ocean with my span,
I must be measur’d by my soul:
The mind’s the stan­dard of the man.

Isaac Watts (Southampton, Inglaterra, 1674 – Abney Park, Stoke Newington, 1748). Poeta, predicador, teólogo y pedagogo.

Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda


Que tus errores no sean frutos del azar o del prejuicio
sino que tú los elijas como quien elige su remordimiento
y el consiguiente castigo. Y que conozcas, por fin,
tu íntima flaqueza y una abyección distinta.
Inútiles tus disculpas ante eso que aflora:
la cursilería, tan mal gusto.
Y que ojalá la libertad, arduamente conseguida,
te devore y te anule
concediéndote la dicha inadjetivable
de ser tú mismo
o sea nadie, nada;
apenas algo que se repite, y se repite.

Juan Gustavo Cobo Borda (Bogotá, Colombia, 1948). Poeta, periodista y diplomático.

Xiao Kaiyu ( 肖开愚 )



Xiao Kaiyu ( 肖开愚 ) (Zhongjiang, China, 1960). Poeta.

Hugh Laurie

Hugh's poem

Underneath the bellied skies
Where dust and rain find space to fall
To fall and lie and change again
Without a care or mind at all
For art and life and things above
In that there look just there
No right left up down past or future
We have but ourselves to fear.

James Hugh Calum Laurie (Oxford, Reino Unido, 1959), más conocido como Hugh Laurie. Actor, humorista, escritor y músico.

Dorothea Lasky

Hillary Clinton

Daughter of Chicago
Businessmen and teachers
She was born
She was smart
She grew up
With dreams
In Midwestern scenery
She met Bill Clinton
O Bill Clinton
This poem isn’t about you
I am a feminist
Like every other woman
Of my generation
Even though you
Can’t tell, much has
Been already done
Some men have a range of
Emotions you can count on
Abby Walton too

Once played me a song
Called Old Old Fashioned
Hillary Clinton speaks
And it sounds like the soft
Soft static in that song
Laura if we were one thing
It might look something
Like a blue-green dragon
You might disagree with me
About the color
In the morning the sky is grey
It is grey a grey grey sky
I can’t count on the sky
Mother, mother, mother
Mother, mother
I like the way you were
Once round and full
And healthy
And the black night
Wasn’t seeping in our dreams
Hillary Clinton
I know when I see you
I am seeing a little girl
Who knew
She could be пресидент

Dorothea Lasky (St. Louis, Missouri, ЕЕ UU, 1978). Poeta.

Héctor Burke

Me he ido tantas veces

Me he ido tantas veces. He partido tantas veces.
He tocado tantas veces a las puertas. He puesto
mis manos en el horizonte de los murciélagos.
¿Quién soy? No le digas al caminante que pase.
No le dejes en el umbral de la noche.
Ábrele la ventana. Su propia ventana.
Y como los pericos emigrantes en verano,
troquen la libertad en árbol.

Héctor Burke (San José, Costa Rica, 1955). Poeta y artista visual.